iPhone4S is iPhone4 the upgrade ("4S" is "for steve" Another argument is that the English "Speed" abbreviation). On October 4, 2011 by Apple's new CEO Tim Cook, Apple's Fall product launch in 2011 on the release.
iPhone4S is iPhone4 the upgrade ("4S" is "for steve" argument comes from the part of the network media and non-official release, the other argument is that the English "Speed" abbreviation). On October 4, 2011 by Apple's new CEO Tim Cook, Apple's Fall product launch in 2011 on the release.
Tim Cook, Apple's new CEO (7)On sale Oct. 14 in seven countries (U.S., Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom) market. 28 October 22 countries and regions in other releases. End of December, 70 countries in the world market, the list is not clear! May include China, Hong Kong may also be listed in December! [1]When can I buy iPhone4S? October 4 in the seven countries listed above there are basically locked version. Based on the experience of iPhone4, it is possible in Canada, Australia, the UK three countries have no lock version, but the news is not clear!It is understood that the white version of the iPhone 4, white shell, when using the flash will affect the camera performance, and this problem had previously been unable to resolve, so it has repeatedly postponed the listing of white iPhone 4. Now, by using a new coating, this problem can be solved, so iPhone 4S can be released.October 5 news, local time at 10:00 on October 4 (Beijing at 1:00 on October 5) Apple headquarters in California in the United States held a press conference, Tim Cook, Apple's new CEO chaired the first major product launch the formal launch of the new generation iPhone - iPhone 4S. iPhone 4S will also have two colors, black and white, two-year contract price of 16G 199 美元, 32G 299 美元, 64G 399 dollars. October 14 will be officially on sale.And iPhone4 compared, iPhone 4S without too much change in appearance, the antenna design is also subject to change. iPhone 4S based on the iPhone4 upgraded configuration, with A5 dual-core processor and dual-core GPU, CPU speed is iPhone4 twice the graphics performance is iPhone4 seven times. iPhone 4S battery life improved. The phone in the 3G network of talk time to up to eight hours to six hours of time online, watch 10 hours of video, listen to 40 hours of music.iPhone 4S supports HSDPA network, download speeds up to 14.4Mbps, iPhone 4 with GSM and CDMA versions, iPhone 4S will support both GSM and CDMA. That is good you can cut directly to the telecommunications card into the slot, you can search to the normal signal.In addition, iPhone 4S is equipped with a 800 back-illuminated megapixel camera, the light through rate 73%, the maximum aperture of F2.4, can shoot 3264 × 2448 pixel images, combined with enhanced iOS on the camera, taking pictures with the general effect comparable to the card machine, which previously has been iPhone4 the most popular photo on Flickr equipment. In addition, iPhone 4S camera also supports 1080p HD video recording, and has image stabilization system and real-time noise cancellation.iPhone 4S equipped with Apple's latest operating system iOS5 support iCloud cloud services, the biggest feature is voice control, voice system based on Siri, iPhone 4S will become more intelligent voice recognition devices, and iPhone 4S can be achieved through voice control the weather, SMS , interactive map search and other functions.iOS5 Other features include notification of new centers, iMessage instant messaging capabilities, Newsstand newspapers and magazines, Reminders reminders, optimized Twitter, optimized camera and photo editing features, upgrade the Safari browser, without PC activation, optimized e-mail features, more powerful Game Center, a strong notification center.With the release of iPhone 4S, old iPhone will also be a price adjustment, iPhone 4 8G version of the contract price of $ 99, while the iPhone 3GS 8G version of the contract price is zero.Apple had issued invitations to the media theme of "Lets talk iPhone" (talk about the iPhone), means that a new generation of iPhone will be launched at this conference, and includes Calendar, Clock, Maps, and Phone icon is implied The conference may introduce new products and new services.
2, interpretation of new featuresA5 dual-core processor
iphone4s dual-core, so that chips double A5 powerful. (3)Dual-core, so that chips double A5 powerful graphics at up to 7 times 1. You will feel it brings results - fast. iPhone 4S fast, responsive, when you start the application software, Web browsing, and do various operations, they will experience its unique achievements. And no matter what you are doing, you can continue. A5 has a very high performance chips, giving iPhone 4S long battery life.8-megapixel cameraiPhone 4S has a 800-megapixel camera, the camera than the iPhone 4 more 60%. We improved its design, it can penetrate into more light. With more pixels, more light, you will find your photos on the resolution and image detail, will show significant differences.
iPhone4S shoot full resolution images (4)Custom precision lens with five elements of the incoming light correction, the whole picture clearer. Larger f/2.4 aperture income more light, so photos brighter. Advanced hybrid infrared filter blocking harmful infrared light, showing a more accurate and consistent color.Without the help of computer photo editing software, you have a few taps on the iPhone can be retouched. You can crop and rotate photos, enhance the overall image effect, and even remove red eye.1080p HD high-definition video1080p HD high-definition video. With the new optical technology, the light is always appropriate, always vivid color, all in the picture than you remember better. Video anti-shake technology, to shake the film becomes stable. You can also video clips on the iPhone to share pleasant life as easy and convenient as shooting video.
1080p HD high-definition video (3)30 frames per second, shooting stunning 1080p HD high-definition video. Advanced sensors and larger illumination aperture back and let more light penetration. Improved Auto White Balance feature allows more realistic colors. Temporary noise reduction features to help you shoot in dim light wonderful video.Video stabilizer technology can eliminate the instability caused by hand shake. If you are shooting an object in the foreground and background, just tap the camera will focus on the object you want to make.Directly on the iPhone HD video editing easy. Just drag a movie, to select starting and ending points, can be trimmed. You can also use the Apple-designed iMovie themes, titles and transitions to make your mini-movies, even add sound tracks. http://www.blingcase.co
4 octobre, Apple a confirmé que la sortie de l'iPhone nouvelle
Apple a publié une invitation formelle à la chute de la nouvelle conférence, la conférence est programmée dans le temps américaine du Pacifique Octobre 4 10h00, heure de Beijing à 01h00 le 5 Octobre. La couverture de l'invitation dit «Laisse parler iPhone".De la conception des invitations, des analystes pensent que Apple ne publiera un nouvel iPhone, peut-être les rumeurs d'iPhone 5 peut aussi être faible iPhone4 +.Confirmation avant la conférence, les nouvelles ne sont pas l'Apple habituelle avant qu'Apple a déménagé à San Francisco, mais la maison Cooper Tarantino, et l'hôte Tim Cook deviendra la première fois. Dans une certaine mesure ce sera son plus grand défi dans la vie est un.
TechCrunch résume certaines des conférences sur des rumeurs. Auparavant, toutes ces observations sont, il n'ya qu'au Septembre 14, il ya que la fin de Septembre, début Octobre, le 14 octobre ou plusieurs nuits. 4 octobre, l'argument est le premier à proposer blogue AllThingsD la semaine dernière. Combiné avec ses médias mondiaux dernière Bartz a d'abord été divulgué les nouvelles du conseil d'administration de Yahoo a tiré, AllThingsD clairement un média voler.
ArsTechnica cette invitation d'Apple précédente conférence n'a pas été si clairement marquée comme l'heure et le lieu, et le dessus de quatre iOS icône donne un regard très intelligente les informations ci-dessus. Ars a aussi prédit, la gamme de produits iPod peut également être un nouvel ajustement. Produits en dehors de l'iPod Touch d'Apple va faire? Et c'est aussi le temps des élections avant la saison des achats de Noël, il est donc possible pour la consommation de stimulation multiples.
Slashgear est analysé, pourquoi cela at-il de revenir à Cooper Tarantino? Une théorie est que le siège d'Apple dispose d'une des stations de base LTE 4G, ce qui est de tester les performances de la machine 4G nouvelle.
IPhone d'Apple à quelques reprises avant la conférence seront regroupés à San Francisco a appelé les opérateurs, par exemple, était à l'origine d'AT & T, Verizon tard. Si les rumeurs sont vraies 4G, Apple croit n'affiche que les fonctions, mais pas annoncé un contrat avec un opérateur en particulier.
IPhone5 rumeurs précédentes que Apple va utiliser processeur dual-core, A5, 800 millions de pixel appareil photo, iOS 5, un écran plus grand et le cadre plus étroit. Comme la voix de la version à faible coût de la 4S iPhone est la clameur, il est intéressant de noter que si la machine existe vraiment, il devrait viser principalement à pré-payé de marché, plutôt que la machine du contrat européen et américain commun.
Nous allons aussi continuer à vous apporter les derniers développements. CB sera envoyé le jour de la réunion des détails du produit détaillées communiquées
TechCrunch résume certaines des conférences sur des rumeurs. Auparavant, toutes ces observations sont, il n'ya qu'au Septembre 14, il ya que la fin de Septembre, début Octobre, le 14 octobre ou plusieurs nuits. 4 octobre, l'argument est le premier à proposer blogue AllThingsD la semaine dernière. Combiné avec ses médias mondiaux dernière Bartz a d'abord été divulgué les nouvelles du conseil d'administration de Yahoo a tiré, AllThingsD clairement un média voler.
ArsTechnica cette invitation d'Apple précédente conférence n'a pas été si clairement marquée comme l'heure et le lieu, et le dessus de quatre iOS icône donne un regard très intelligente les informations ci-dessus. Ars a aussi prédit, la gamme de produits iPod peut également être un nouvel ajustement. Produits en dehors de l'iPod Touch d'Apple va faire? Et c'est aussi le temps des élections avant la saison des achats de Noël, il est donc possible pour la consommation de stimulation multiples.
Slashgear est analysé, pourquoi cela at-il de revenir à Cooper Tarantino? Une théorie est que le siège d'Apple dispose d'une des stations de base LTE 4G, ce qui est de tester les performances de la machine 4G nouvelle.
IPhone d'Apple à quelques reprises avant la conférence seront regroupés à San Francisco a appelé les opérateurs, par exemple, était à l'origine d'AT & T, Verizon tard. Si les rumeurs sont vraies 4G, Apple croit n'affiche que les fonctions, mais pas annoncé un contrat avec un opérateur en particulier.
IPhone5 rumeurs précédentes que Apple va utiliser processeur dual-core, A5, 800 millions de pixel appareil photo, iOS 5, un écran plus grand et le cadre plus étroit. Comme la voix de la version à faible coût de la 4S iPhone est la clameur, il est intéressant de noter que si la machine existe vraiment, il devrait viser principalement à pré-payé de marché, plutôt que la machine du contrat européen et américain commun.
Nous allons aussi continuer à vous apporter les derniers développements. CB sera envoyé le jour de la réunion des détails du produit détaillées communiquées
Doit vaincre iPhone Android 5 8 grande fonction
La libération tant attendue des Apple iPhone nouveau téléphone mobile 5 bientôt. Pour faire face à la concurrence croissante smartphone et un adversaire fort téléphone Android, Apple iPhone 5 doit avoir certaines spécifications haut de gamme afin de gagner dans la compétition.De haute qualité Appareil-photo: appareil photo 5 mégapixels dans le monde du haut de gamme des téléphones intelligents obsolète. Android a une variété dans le monde avec 8 millions de pixels téléphone-appareil photo. À ce stade, l'iPhone 5 configuration 8 mégapixels sera la bienvenue. Selon certains rapports, avant, l'iPhone 5 de configuration, en plus de caméra haute définition de 8 mégapixels, il dirigera également double flash LED, vous pouvez prendre des images haute définition et de vidéo.Mise à niveau du matériel: Apple principal rival LG, Motorola et Samsung ont déjà publié processeur dual-core mobile. L'iPhone 5 sera également équipé de la dernière processeurs dual-core A5 GHz 01/02 au 01/05. Ce puissant processeur permettra d'améliorer grandement l'iPhone 5 à traiter l'information et exécuter des applications plus rapidement.Système d'exploitation IOS 5: Avec chaque génération d'iPhone d'Apple est le système d'exploitation apparaît plus tard, l'iPhone 5 ne fait pas exception. Prochains Apple iPhone 5 sera équipé du dernier système d'exploitation mobiles iOS 5. Système IOS exploitation de nouvelles a plus de 200 nouvelles fonctionnalités, qui comprennent le système de notification améliorées, IMessage, iBook ainsi que quelques nouvelles applications.Affichage jour: Apple iPhone 4 d'écran fournisseur LG Display et QD Vision l'année dernière, les deux sociétés de développer conjointement l'écran QLED, qui est, à matrice active de diodes électroluminescentes utilisant des points quantiques, nano-technologie d'affichage, cette luminosité de l'écran supérieur au courant Toute utilisation de la technologie d'affichage OLED à économie d'énergie, des couleurs plus précises plus de réduction, des coûts de production seront moins chers, et plus mince. Samsung Galaxy de configuration est super écran AMOLED tactile capacitif, plus, dans cet esprit, l'iPhone d'écran 5 QLED n'est pas impossible à utiliser.Près de la technologie Field Communication: Il ya des rapports que depuis le début, Apple a fait des tests de l'iPhone utilise la technologie des communications en champ proche. "New York Times" avait rapporté que la production de NFC par des puces Qualcomm apparaîtra sur l'iPhone 5. Depuis Samsung Galaxy NFC puce peut être utilisée, pas déraisonnable pour iPhone 5.Autonomie: Selon le site Techradar.com rapporté que Samsung Galaxy capacité de la batterie 1650mAh S2, l'espérance de vie est également plus long que les autres téléphones intelligents. En revanche, l'iPhone 4 de la vie de la batterie sur le handicap de. Selon récemment divulgué l'iPhone 5 de la carte mère chipset image du site, vous pouvez le voir, la batterie atteint un 1430mAh, 4.2V, et l'utilisation actuelle de l'iPhone 4 A4 processeur et 1420mAh, 3.7V la batterie, par rapport à des progrès.Plus de mémoire: Avec la variété infinie d'applications, n'est pas sur la mémoire courte exigences augmentent. Apple iPhone 4 avec les versions 16Go et 32Go, iPhone 5 est prévu de lancer 16GB/32GB/64GB trois versions à choisir.4G: la plupart des analystes et des experts sont plus enclins à croire les 5 iPhone ne supporte pas la 4G, mais il contribuera également GSM et CDMA.Jefferies & Co analyste Peter Misek avait conclu qu'en raison de LTE Apple puce Qualcomm fournisseur de la Reine exigences de puces de sortie a frappé, et Apple iPhone 5 ne peut pas soutenir 4G LET.
Iphone 5 | iphone 4 | iphone 3GS | Galaxy S | Galaxy SII
Iphone 5 | iphone 4 | iphone 3GS | Galaxy S | Galaxy SII
Apple UK employees leave in early October will be canceled iPhone5
Apple's removal of the 10 British people were told two weeks ago all the holidays, or indicates that the upcoming iPhone 5.
Apple director, former U.S. Vice President Al Gore (Al Gore) had said earlier this week, the next generation iPhone will be released in South Africa.
British informed sources, Apple executives have informed the British people a temporary freeze "the first two weeks in October," the vacation.
Currently, Samsung and Apple's patent war in Europe in full swing. Recently, Samsung launched the District Court to the Hague, the Netherlands, alleging infringement of four patents for Apple to ban the sale and recall of all Apple products using 3G technology stocks.
Channel sources said demand for Apple's next iPhone will be extremely huge, most likely out of stock
Apple director, former U.S. Vice President Al Gore (Al Gore) had said earlier this week, the next generation iPhone will be released in South Africa.
British informed sources, Apple executives have informed the British people a temporary freeze "the first two weeks in October," the vacation.
Currently, Samsung and Apple's patent war in Europe in full swing. Recently, Samsung launched the District Court to the Hague, the Netherlands, alleging infringement of four patents for Apple to ban the sale and recall of all Apple products using 3G technology stocks.
Channel sources said demand for Apple's next iPhone will be extremely huge, most likely out of stock
Iphone 5 Disassembly pictures !!!
The world's people are anxiously waiting for the release of iPhone5, iPhone4 three generations on the basis of a qualitative leap, fruit powder certainly hope there are five generations of greater innovation. Apple released iPhone 5 in the waiting process, there are many foreign speculation and rumors about iPhone5. World Wide Web technology channel since 2011, summed up the rumors about iPhone5, as follows:
With the iPhone 5 release date draws nearer, the next-generation iPhone rumors growing, technology news website Techcrunch today the United States on a domestic release of a leaked Sina microblogging users called iPhone 5 disassembly pictures
At press time the microblogging owner had already removed the original picture, but keep the screenshots from Techcrunch we can clearly see the iPhone 5 part of the chip, if the picture is true, then we can confirm at least three points:
1, iPhone 5 and iPad 2 uses the same chip A5
2, larger capacity battery is more powerful --4.2v/1430mAh, IP4 is 3.7v/1420mAh
3, LCD screen, larger edge of the thinner (the original author from the picture on the left show some of the blue border inference), which also coincide with previous reports of many.
In addition, from the exposure of the picture we see the main antenna and the circuit board, another board seems to be flipping through the cable over.
But in the end can be sure that is the called "black days without sleep," the red one of the main micro-Bobo.
With the iPhone 5 release date draws nearer, the next-generation iPhone rumors growing, technology news website Techcrunch today the United States on a domestic release of a leaked Sina microblogging users called iPhone 5 disassembly pictures
At press time the microblogging owner had already removed the original picture, but keep the screenshots from Techcrunch we can clearly see the iPhone 5 part of the chip, if the picture is true, then we can confirm at least three points:
1, iPhone 5 and iPad 2 uses the same chip A5
2, larger capacity battery is more powerful --4.2v/1430mAh, IP4 is 3.7v/1420mAh
3, LCD screen, larger edge of the thinner (the original author from the picture on the left show some of the blue border inference), which also coincide with previous reports of many.
In addition, from the exposure of the picture we see the main antenna and the circuit board, another board seems to be flipping through the cable over.
But in the end can be sure that is the called "black days without sleep," the red one of the main micro-Bobo.
Favorite sci-fi blockbuster never seen alien concept phone
Concept Apple iPhone ProCare
iPhone ProCare uses a flexible intelligent control of multi-point display, can be arbitrarily curved 3D also supports multi-touch control, 3D holographic imaging technologies. In addition, new alloys and linear low density polyethylene, the body also has the toughness and strength, although the screen is bent, but did not affect the operation of games and applications you who love and hate on the iPhone 4 glass panels the fruit powder, is not the same as with I really look forward to iPhone ProCare will become reality?
News iphone 5 or IPhone 4s will be coming ?
iPhone 4s
Ever since the launch of the iPhone 4 in the Summer of 2010, the tech media has assumed that the next iPhone iteration would be called the “iPhone 5.” The reasoning for this was simple: the “5″ would be the next number in the iPhone series, and since Android smartphones edged into the marketplace aggressively in 2010, the assumption has been that Apple would name the next iPhone “iPhone 5″ to keep iPhone fervor going strong.
However, there’s just as much reason to believe that the next iPhone could instead be called the “iPhone 4s.”
After all, the iPhone that followed the famed iPhone 3G was the “iPhone 3Gs.” The 3Gs represented a refresh of the 3G, and so Apple didn’t see the need to call it the “iPhone 4.” They saved the “4″ for the iPhone 4 of 2010, with its iOS 4 operating system and front-facing camera. Clearly, Apple didn’t want to waste the “4″ moniker on a refresh, but rather a revolutionary new iPhone design.
The same could be true for the next iPhone, due out in 2011.
For as much as we all have assumed that this year’s iPhone would receive the “5″ designation, reports are now indicating that the next iPhone could be called the “iPhone 4s.” While these are still rumors, they have been persistent ones, with multiple tech sources claiming that an iPhone 4s model would be forthcoming in 2011, one way or another.
As of right now, the rumors suggest that the iPhone 4s would look much like what we have been anticipating all along: iOS 5, A5 chip, cosmetic upgrades to the form factor, and an 8-megapixel camera. What will be most likely missing from the iPhone 4s, however, will be 4G LTE capabilities. The new logic is that Apple will save the 4G for the iPhone 5, which is now being rumored for 2012. (Funny, considering that the first iPhone 5 rumors started just after the release of the iPhone 4, with reports suggesting that it would be released as early as the Christmas of 2010. Now, we’re talking about it being released in 2012!)
iPhone 5 + iPhone 4s?
Another hot rumor is that Apple will release both an iPhone 5 and an iPhone 4s at the same time! The theory behind this move by Apple is to offer both a “pro” and “value-priced” duo of new iPHones that would make it much easier for a wide range of users to purchase an iPhone, thus helping Apple compete with Android- and Windows-based smartphones in the ever-growing smartphone marketplace.
Whether the next iPhone is called the iPhone 4s or the iPhone 5, you can count on us to report and reflect on all of the news, rumors, and opinions surrounding it.
As of right now, the rumors suggest that the iPhone 4s would look much like what we have been anticipating all along: iOS 5, A5 chip, cosmetic upgrades to the form factor, and an 8-megapixel camera. What will be most likely missing from the iPhone 4s, however, will be 4G LTE capabilities. The new logic is that Apple will save the 4G for the iPhone 5, which is now being rumored for 2012. (Funny, considering that the first iPhone 5 rumors started just after the release of the iPhone 4, with reports suggesting that it would be released as early as the Christmas of 2010. Now, we’re talking about it being released in 2012!)
iPhone 5 + iPhone 4s?
Another hot rumor is that Apple will release both an iPhone 5 and an iPhone 4s at the same time! The theory behind this move by Apple is to offer both a “pro” and “value-priced” duo of new iPHones that would make it much easier for a wide range of users to purchase an iPhone, thus helping Apple compete with Android- and Windows-based smartphones in the ever-growing smartphone marketplace.
Whether the next iPhone is called the iPhone 4s or the iPhone 5, you can count on us to report and reflect on all of the news, rumors, and opinions surrounding it.
Click here to read all of our articles with an iPhone 4s tag.
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